Bristol sisterhood meetings

Come join Bristol Sisterhood in our next meetings on Monday, 2nd and Thursday 19th of December, 6pm at Base Cafe in Easton! We will discuss new agenda for future events and activism!

💜Open to women, trans and non binary people💜

We welcome new participants with fresh ideas! Our mission is to combat violence against women, break down stereotypes and fight sexism!!

Lumpen launch 15.12.19

Come along to the Lumpen Launch in Bristol!

15th December from 7pm at BASE.

There will be readings and chat about working class writing. With
editors of the journal, and some of the contributing writers. D. Hunter will also be reading some new shit from his sequel to Chav Solidarity, which will be the same old shit of working class trauma, prison industrial complex and whiteness.

Lumpen: A Journal of Poor and Working Class writing is exactly what it sounds like. First hand accounts of lives on the rock face of austerity, critical assessments of the state of the left, the UK, and the international. Touching on the intersections of race, gender, mental and physical health. Discussions of violence, sex, identity,
family, exclusion, education and loss. And that’s just issue one.

​Lumpen is dogmatic in it’s belief that the best ideas to fight for
social justice will come from those most affected by the social
injustice that engulfs the UK, and the international system. This is one small space for some of the ideas to come forward. Support us if you can.

The publishing world is for the economically secure, the ones who can have the family and friends in the industry, the ones who have the time and resources to take months off without earning any cash, the ones who can afford to go on as many writing retreats as they like. It’s basically well middle class. Many of our writers are working minimum wage jobs 40 plus hours a week, often with other commitments on top of that from family to social justice work. Many of our writers were marginalised from education, told that they were to stupid or ignorant to share their ideas and analysis of the world. Lumpen thinks differently, and part of thinking differently is by finding ways to offer some financial solidarity with those writers.

At Lumpen we’re aiming to be able to pay our poor and working class writers as much as we can for their craft. And we want to give them a space to try out new styles and find the voices that match their ideas.

Purchase your copy here..


As we progress with our Anti-Harassment Campaign, Bristol Sisterhood is organizing a great event to raise awareness about the campaign we have been working on lately and oficially invite other members of collectives to join forces! We’re hoping this Social gathering will bring more invididuals together, who share similar beliefs and want to make a change.


Saturday, 16th of November, 4 pm, at Base Cafe, Roberston Road, Easton.


– Screening of our latest Campaign Video filmed in Bristol by our very-talented group
– Various dynamics and debates on the Sexual Harassment and Abuse in the city we live in
– Crafts: Banner and Stencil Making
– Vegan Dinner specially prepared by us * ( Suggested Donation £4 which will be used towards our campaign)
– Networking & discussion

4.00 warm welcome (tea or coffee self-service)
4:20pm Presentation and games
5:30pm Screening (3 short films and our video campaign) and debate
6.30 pm Banner making (discussion and creativity session).
7.30pm Vegan dinner

This event gives us the opportunity to showcast our video, to meet other individuals, but this is also a way to educate ourselves more about the current climate of the issues we are facing in our most loved city, Bristol and beyond! We feel that we need to talk more about harassment and sexual violence and raise awareness amongst communities!

This event is also a “warm-up” before Reclaim the night!, where we will march together with other collectives to peacefully protest against Sexual Harassment, Domestic Abuse and Gender Violence!

Please, also see event here:

BASE General meeting

It’s that time again! Where we put collective organising into practice and share the responsibility of running our anarchist social centre! So come get involved! And there’s food involved too! This Thursday 14th November. Dinner from 7pm. General meeting from 7.30pm to include:

  • roof update
  • cafe collective / callout for people
  • BASE co-op callout for people
  • Social Centres Network gathering feedback
  • guidelines for commercial use (or not!) of BASE
  • relationship with extinction rebellion

Anarchism in Turkey

Talk and discussion
7th November 2019

Vegan meal 6.30pm
talk 7.30pm

DAF are an anarchist organisation that has been organising within
Turkey, Syria and the surrounding areas for the last 10 years. During this time they have faced a lot of repression from the state and from ISIS. Despite this, they have created their own economy to be able to sustain themselves and their projects, done many inspiring actions, have different groups with several magazines and a monthly newspaper, weekly talks, and are the first anarchists to raise a flag at Newros (Kurdish new year) celebrations. A truly inspiring group that is well-organised
and work intersectionally, with solidarity and mutual aid at its core.

A member of the Anarchist Federation, who has recently visited DAF, will give a presentation followed by discussion on what we can learn from DAF, and apply this to anarchism in the areas we organise.

General meeting

Our next general meeting is Thu 14 Nov. Come along and chat about all manner of things – there will be food from 7pm, and the meeting starts at 7:30pm.

Anarchism against the turkish state

Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF)

Talk and discussion

Thu 7th Nov 2019

Vegan meal from 6.30pm, talk 7.30pm.

DAF are an anarchist organisation that has been organising within Turkey, Syria and the surrounding areas for the last 10 years.

During this time they have faced a lot of repression from the state and from ISIS. Despite this, they have created their own economy to be able to sustain themselves and their projects, done many inspiring actions, have different groups with several magazines and a monthly newspaper, weekly talks, and are the first anarchists to raise a flag at Newroz (Kurdish new year) celebrations.

A truly inspiring group that is well-organised and work intersectionally, with solidarity and mutual aid at its core.

A member of the Anarchist Federation, who has recently visited DAF, will give a presentation followed by discussion on what we can learn from DAF, and apply this to anarchism in the areas we organise.

How to shut down a gas fired power station

Come and join Bristol Rising Tide this Sunday 3rd November for a relaxed evening of food and talks. We will be running the B.A.S.E. Sunday Kitchen, serving delicious vegan food from 6.30pm, followed by talks and information about the current situation with gas-fired power stations in the UK.

-Learn about how this links to the proposed new gas plant at Drax which has just been given the green light by government, despite objections from the Planning Inspectorate due to concerns around climate change.

-Come and find out more about an action in July where activists shut down the construction site of a proposed new gas power station.including information about the ongoing fundraiser to cover costs (

Food is on a donations basis (~£2.50 for starter & main, ~£1 pudding, ~50p drinks). We will also be selling t-shirts to help raise money towards the costs of the action in July, so bring along some spare cash if possible to grab yourself one of those! The fundraiser for the July action is here:

Rojava solidarity demo at BAe

This Friday (25th October)

Join us at the gates of BAE and MBDA to demand an end to the supply of arms to the fascist Turkish State.

Golf Course Lane, Filton, BS34 7QS
Workers arrive early and we want them to hear what we have to say.

At 4pm on October 9th, the Turkish occupation army and its Islamist allies began their long-prepared war of aggression against the liberated areas of northern Syria. Turkish military forces have carried out serious violations and war crimes, including summary killings and unlawful attacks that have killed and injured civilians. BAE and MBDA, with offices in Bristol, supply arms to Turkey.

In 2017, BAE agreed a £100 million deal with the Turkish Air Force to develop a new fighter jet. Theresa May signed a special export license to ease the process of selling these weapons to Turkey. In January 2018, a deal was finalised between the Turkish government and EUROSAM for a new missile programme. EUROSAM is a joint venture between MBDA Missile Systems and Thales.

More information on arms companies supplying Turkey here:

Please share this widely to get maximum involvement!

Feminist cineforum 27.10

The cineforum will start around 3.30 pm and then we have a vegan dinner. Everybody is wellcome!

You can see more about that in this event:

“Bristol Sisterhood continue with the project to screen audiovisual
material with a strong feminist content. In this ocassion:

Melmaridè (divorced in dialect) is the story of group of women from Piacenza, a small city in the north of Italy, who challenged the disdain of their families and of local institutions by joining the voices of the wider international feminist movement. They first founded a Feminist Collective and later started a public women’s health clinic and counseling centre.

Forty years later, these women find themselves different, older, but still linked by friendship and the same non-conformist spirit,
determined in their desire not to forget that experience that had
changed them forever.

Director Elisa Bozzarelli will be joining us.

After the screening, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a fantastic vegan dinner at BASE’s regular Sunday eve cafe (Suggested donation of £2.50 for dinner, £1 for pudding and 50p for drinks)”.

Base for Anarchy & Solidarity in Easton