Anna is with us. we fight on!

March 15th, 2018 is the day we lost a truly awesome and amazing friend and comrade, Anna Campbell. Today we send love and strength to all who knew Anna and all comrades everywhere fighting for the better world that Anna worked so hard towards. We will always remember her and will carry on the struggle she and so many others have lived. For total liberation!

Our friend and comrade Anna was killed during the defense of the city of Afrin from the Turkish invasion. She was killed alongside two other members of the YPJ; Sara Merdin and Serhildan. We remember them too for their bravery.
Anna was known to many for her compassion and dedication to making change. Her time at BASE was spent being involved in many different collectives. Prison abolition was her main passion while in Bristol but she was also an anarchist, feminist, anti-speciesist and anti-fascist. She recognised that all oppressions are interlinked and the importance of fighting all of them. Anna also recognised the importance of caring for ourselves and the people we love and she often found time to feed herself and her friends banana bread! She brought creativity and energy to all the events and actions she was involved in and was positive and full of hope. The positive effect of her actions are spread across the world and the list of people that she empowered into action seemingly limitless.

Anna will be missed so much but we will be inspired by her courage, strength and kindness. Her dedication to fighting what she called ‘the forces of evil’ will never be forgotten and we should allow her death to encourage us all to continue in the struggles she fought for and strengthen our movements.

This raffle feeds bristol!

Roll up! Roll up! It’s the awe inspiring, dazzling and immense BASE and Roses online raffle! Help this mutual aid and solidarity project to continue providing free food for as many people as possible in Bristol. Get your raffle tickets here:

Since the start of April 2019 BASE and Roses has been distributing thousands of cooked meals and food boxes to 100s of people across Bristol to people who really need it.The project, self funded and run by volunteers, really needs funds to carry on. So tell all your friends and get those tickets in!Tickets are £5 each, 3 for £10 or 8 for £20!
Prize draw: February 26th live on Facebook!!!

Here are some of the prizes donated by legendary people and local businesses in our community!

* Weekend break in yurt on /Scottish border, summer 2021
* £50 Bar Tab at The Plough
* Unwedding Festival 2021 ticket in Abergavenny
* 2 x tickets to Outcider festival
* G Bros pizza meal for two
* Rowdy (graff artist) scarves and stickers
* Booja Booja box of chocolates
* BASE anarchist bookshop prize bundle
* Spanner record, CD and T shirt
* 45RPM print + art box containing stickers, patch, bin badge and customised playing cards
* 3dom original framed print
* 2 x three course meals out Pitchfork Cafe
* Cooking Masterclass session at Square Food Foundation
* We Creatures headdress – handmade red spiral devil horns
* Herbs & Roots handmade bath salts + womb doom balm (could be one prize or two)
* Dog Section Press book bundle (Abolishing the Police, Great Anarchists, Make Rojava Green Again, NO! Against Adult Supremacy)
* Subscription to DOPE magazine for a year
* Punk Aerobics session for one winner and anyone in their household
* ‘Eat The Rich’ necklace made by Fuck The Tories
* Sam Knox art prints and zines
* Bokeh Versions t shirt and record bundle
* Efa Supertramp and Killdren band merch
* Princess Di Love Dollars T Shirt from Scumdance Collective
* NoCorner, LavaLava and Rwdfwd record bundle
* Base n Roses T Shirts and patches
* 2 x Electric guitars
* Idle Hands record bundle
* 2 x Noods Radio t shirts
* Autonomads band merch
* Clayton Blizzard CDs
* Grand Collapse band merch
* Menstrual Cramps band merch
* Blackstar Printing Tshirts
* Chelsea Inn back patch
* Migraines records from Carnival Punks
* Patches from Suniti
* A working bike!
* Champagne and sloe gin from Emma
* Alex Mack art print
* Mind Your Peas art print
* Viva La May art print
* Sepr graffiti piece
* Stay Rotten art print
* Mollusca t shirt
* Handmade real silver crowbar earrings by Captain Grimace
* Bar tab and pizza from the Red Lion
* 2 x bottles of super fancy delish cider from Barleywood Orchard
* 1 x vegan cake – designed and made to order
* Bristol Fungarium: 3x bags of dried mushroom mix and 1x 2kg crate of fresh mushrooms
* Specialist Subject Records Merch & £30 Voucher
* Exchange Tshirt
* Active Distro – 2 x certain days prisoner support calendar + £20 voucher
* Deadspace Chamber Music CD and tote bag
* Abi Hubbard print and handmade patch
* Pull up bar
* 4 x Alice Jennings handmade ceramic mugs
* Empty Brains handmade t shirt and mask (+stickers)
* Falafel time meal for two
* Scoopaway food hamper
* St Paul’s Cidery gift pack
* Jeevans box of samosas
* Bundle of cooking, gardening and DIY books
* Bundle of board games
* Essential food hamper
+much much more – prizes coming in all the time!

Get your raffle tickets here:

Please contribute what you can and share this fundraiser widely. If you’d like to donate directly we have a Just Giving page here:

About the prize draw: as much as possible we will avoid posting items, instead we’ll do local delivery and collection to keep environmental and financial costs down. Please bear this in mind if you’re from outside of the Bristol area.


BASE and Roses is a food distribution collective formed to tackle issues around food security in Bristol. We are delivering weekly, free food parcels to people in Bristol and distributing cooked meals to homeless people.Our initiative is based on principles of solidarity and mutual aid. We are not a charitable organisation. Anybody can self refer and request a food parcel if they need one; our distribution is not means tested.Our food distribution is run by volunteers with a small budget and is predominantly reliant on donations from food suppliers. We are aiming to get as many food donations as possible for the distribution, however to ensure our food parcels contain a substantial amount of food and a balanced selection, we are buying in extra food.We urgently need funds to pay fuel costs for drivers and to buy additional food for the parcels.

Support the Cowley Club

All strength to Brighton’s anarchist social centre, the Cowley Club! They’re currently raising money to get through the tough times. Please show your solidarity and give what you can to make sure this important autonomous space, part of the UK social centres network, continues to fly the flag and continue their awesome work. Keep at it Cowley crew!

Here is their callout for help and see links below.

“We’ve made it this far thanks to our tireless volunteers and the support of our community, but we need your help to make it through the next few months and keep The Cowley Club going until we can open up again! We’re crowdfunding just short of £5,000 to ensure we’re still here once we make it through lockdown and the pandemic, so we can get back to doing what we’ve been doing since 2003, and keep on getting better!

No matter how small a donation you make, everything helps keep us going to get through this. Please support The Cowley Club by donating at

Support the Colston 4

Four people charged with criminal damage for removal of the Colston Statue have their first court hearing on 25th January at Bristol Magistrates Court. If you are glad that Colston is no longer on a pedestal in our city, join us online to show them your support. We’ll be putting on a teach in and holding an 8 minute silence at 9.45am to remember the 84,500 people whose kidnap and enslavement Colston helped to fund and organise during his time with the Royal Africa Company. As well as taking time to celebrate the enslaved whose many rebellions brought about abolition. Given the ongoing risks from the new variant of Covid-19, we are asking people not to attend a protest at the magistrates court in person but to do so virtually instead. Between 9.30am and 10pm on Monday 25th please share solidarity photos and post to the event or to your social media using #GladColstonsGone, saying why you’re glad Colston’s statue is no longer on our streets. And keep checking back for updates, there will be more details and exciting associated events coming soon.

(20+) Support the Colston 4 | Facebook

In solidarity and hope. 

Black History month

Here’s links to organisations and events this month promoting a deeper understanding of Black history and struggles as well as providing opportunities for learning how we can all play a part in unlearning racism and dismantling White supremacy. It’s all of our responsibility. There are awesome, hard working organisations putting these events on and they need our support and involvement.

BASE and roses call for funds


BASE and Roses is a food distribution collective formed to tackle issues around food security in Bristol. We are delivering weekly, free food parcels to people in Bristol and distributing cooked meals to homeless people.

The Covid-19 pandemic is causing extreme suffering and disruption to people in Bristol, disproportionately impacting people in precarious situations.

Our initiative is based on principles of solidarity and mutual aid. We are not a charitable organisation. Anybody can self refer and request a food parcel if they need one; our distribution is not means tested.

Starting at the beginning of the lockdown, we have so far delivered over 2000 food parcels and 1300 cooked meals. There is a big need for food even after the lockdown.

Our food distribution is run by volunteers with a small budget and is predominantly reliant on donations from food suppliers. We are aiming to get as many food donations as possible for the distribution, however to ensure our food parcels contain a substantial amount of food and a balanced selection, we are buying in extra food.

We urgently need funds to pay fuel costs for drivers and to buy additional food for the parcels.

Please contribute what you can and share this fundraiser widely. If you prefer to arrange a bank transfer directly with us, email


Alternatively if you are an organisation/group that can donate food to our collective please also get in touch.

To access our food parcels please contact us on 07731845211 or emaill us –

BASE infoshop fundraiser

BASE infoshop collective have launched this fundraiser:

Please share widely across all your networks and with all your friends and comrades. Support your local anarchist infoshop through the tough times. We have so much liberating reading material and music that needs to get off those shelves! Here’s just a few examples of some of the awesome new stuff we got in during lockdown:

Moscow Death Brigade “Bad Accent Anthems” new album on vinyl and CD: Circle pit hip hop guaranteed to get you stomping!

The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions: COVID-19, Corbyn and ‘Crisis’

Text from the UK reflecting on anarchy, “democracy”, coronavirus, and
responses to the pandemic…

We started to write this text last December, just after the general
election in England, in response to the huge number of anarchists who
voted…. then coronavirus hit. Struggling to make sense of the new
context we are in, we wondered if our critique of “democracy” (and the
surge of Labour voting anarchists) in the UK was appropriate.  Some may read this text as an unsympathetic distraction from a global “crisis”. We hope our humble (but fiery) reflections will spark some much needed discussion. Now is the time for difficult questions….and as there will be no return to “normal”, we decided to publish it now.

Bust Card zine

From the intro: “We are ecological and anti authoritarian :) We stand for collective liberation and global revolution. We hold a vision for a better world, one which we believe we can achieve. We stand in international solidarity with struggles everywhere. We have to be intersectional in this fight. This system is not broken. It’s working exactly as it’s meant to. That is the problem”

Eviction resistance report

This is a report from participants in the successful eviction resistance in Bristol on 13th June.

Soon after 6 in the morning around 30 bailiffs from GRC turned up at a site in St Werburgh’s with a JCB to do the dirty work of making people homeless. The people squatting the land and over 100 friends and supporters had other ideas. Here’s how it went.

Now as we all know, all bailiffs are total scum, but GRC bailiffs have a reputation for being the worst of the worst. They have repeatedly shown how they enjoy hurting people and mixing work with pleasure. There are undoubtedly far right thugs in their ranks, enthusiastically honouring the age old tradition of fascists doing the dirty work for the bosses and landlords.

On the other side stood people who had found their housing solution, living in vans and trucks on a large piece of disused land which had been empty for a decade or so. Travellers and van dwellers need safe sites and self organised housing makes even more sense during a pandemic. You’d think the same would be true of not evicting people during a dangerous virus outbreak, but when has what’s right ever mattered for the rule of property and the law that protects it?

So the GRC heavy mob started with their trademark violence, shoving and dragging people around who had gathered at the gates to stand in their way, and using their boltcroppers dangerously close to the hands of someone who had bravely wrapped their arms around the gate chains from inside.

Even as they started to win the struggle for the gates, a site defender hopped onto a van blocking the way. As they used their JCB to pull down one of the gates, another golden opportunity was spotted. A quick bit of old school “digger diving” saw the JCB converted into a climbing frame, out of action for the rest of the day. Another tidy and solid little barricade, this time provided by GRC.

And the problems just kept on coming! More and more people arrived throughout the morning to show solidarity and actively defend the site. GRC did the best they could, clumsily moving a couple of caravans and assaulting residents, all under the watchful eyes of a half dozen cops clearly intent on non intervention. When the police arrived they were presented by the ass kissing, lying through his teeth, top bailiff with the “paperwork”, producing quote of the day from the head cop, “This looks a bit informal”. Never mind, just crack on and crack some heads. Despite people repeatedly screaming that it was an illegal eviction and there were no court papers, the police predictably chose their side, the same side as always, and gave it all the thumbs up.

So sometimes you just need the power and strength of the mob that are prepared to stand solid together and fight back. And that is exactly what happened and what won the day. The day saw that perfect and uncontrollable mix of pushing back hard and partying in the face of organised thuggery.

By midday, as the balance of power shifted, cops began to tire of trying to talk several people down from the roofs of caravans and diggers, and the street party kicked, the GRC bad guys sat and stood around looking red in the face, demoralised and exhausted.

It just got worse for them throughout the day with relentless berating and mocking from the crowd. All this takes its toll and it must be tiring and dispiriting throwing your weight around to no effect. So as the site crew cranked up the volume and victory danced around them, there were some very lost and awkward looking big men who clearly would’ve rather been somewhere else. Some were probably vexed at missing the right wing demo in town. Who knows why they didn’t call it a day; the mix of money and macho pride is a strong one.

Despite taking out their frustrations in bursts of attacking people, again with no interest from the “keepers of the peace”, and threats of violence and future revenge, the bailiffs knew they were losing.

In one memorable moment the big men were suddenly very hands off and scrambling back to physical distancing after pulling one resister’s trousers down in a vain attempt to stop him climbing the site wall. And the crowd went wild! Resistance is sometimes cheeky you fuckers. Get used to it! The mob was too unruly, courageous, determined and solid together.

As the day went by the police strategy became clear – set up cordons allowing people to leave, but not return, to reduce our numbers to the point where they would feel able to attack. Of course, several determined people still found ways in, but there’s no doubt it had an effect.

In the final act, as darkness started to fall and large numbers of cops began arriving, the crowd sprung into action, getting the gates back up and barricaded, despite the best efforts of the cops. GRC had clearly had enough, and left site in a hurry, leaving a sea of cops in riot gear outside the gates (and surrounding the digger) in a tense standoff with a determined crowd inside.

After the police climbers finally removed the JCB occupiers it was nearly midnight and the authorities had to call it a day, withdrawing in defeat. Cue triumphant and jubilant scenes as the road was reclaimed simultaneously by resisters hopping the wall and those who’d been on the outside of the police cordons, and the soundtrack to victory continued.

This was an absolutely awesome show of what we can do when we stick together, think on our feet, and take no shit from the forces of property and authority. We are so proud of being part of such an inspirational and powerful example of direct action, standing together in solidarity and winning. Respect to all the squatters and the site defenders! Plenty more where that came from.

There were 4 arrests on the day and Bristol Defendant Solidarity is appealing for witnesses. Let’s stick together and support those facing charges for being in the right place at the right time! This is all of our responsibility. If you witnessed any arrests, bailiff or cop violence (or know someone who did) please contact BDS: / 07510 283424
(as always, be careful what you say by phone/email; BDS can arrange a meeting in person if need be).

White supremacy comedown!

Get in the sea, Colston!

What a people’s history moment! Talk about making a splash! Full respect and solidarity to all Black Lives Matter demonstrators and Colston statue topplers! White supremacy must fall. So good to see so many thousands on the streets and such euphoric and determined direct action. Here was a crowd that knew what needed to be done. One down, lots more to go…Next!

Here’s some advice from Bristol Defendant Solidarity to stay safe and free and look after each other as the forces of reaction and authority prepare for punishment and revenge:

“So after the righteous toppling of Colston’s statue yesterday the police have said they are investigating footage of Colston’s come down with a view to making arrests. It may well be, in the context and in view of the levels of popular support for the action, that they are not actually prepared to follow through. But we think it’s definitely best to be prepared and take steps to minimise risk of arrests and court cases. So here’s a few bits of advice we feel it’s really useful and important to circulate right now to help keep people safe and free. Please share widely.


Advice for people present or involved in the take down of Colston:

Don’t panic, and don’t hand yourself in.

You will get solid support and solidarity from Bristol Black Lives Matter, Bristol Defendant Solidarity and a lot of good people on your side and on the right side of history.

Get rid of clothes (including shoes) you were wearing at the scene. Don’t chat publicly about your, or anyone else’s involvement.

Keep all stories and accounts off social media and the internet. Encourage others to do the same.

If you are contacted by the police for any reason, answer ‘no comment’ to all questions. Even in informal conversations, and even if you feel that what you are saying will make them realise they have the wrong person. You have a right to silence, and speaking puts you and others at risk. Get support for your ‘no comment’ by using your right to free legal advice at the police station.

Ask for HJA of London or Kellys of Brighton as these are experienced protest solicitors who will be best able to guide you. Don’t use the duty solicitor or accept a Caution.

Read up on your rights if arrested in more detail here:

Have these numbers ready to call if the police arrive (you can assign to speed dial on your phone to allow for a quick call if needed): Kelly’s solicitors – 01273 674 898 Bristol Defendant Solidarity – 07510283424

For everyone else:

Don’t identify anyone you know in photos or footage of the toppling of Colston.

Don’t speculate or chat about who you think people might be.

Keep all stories and accounts off social media and the internet. Encourage others to do the same.

Thanks for having each others backs.

Base for Anarchy & Solidarity in Easton