BASE Anti-Oppression Agreement
This is a policy written by people involved in BASE about how we want to interact with each other.
We want BASE to be a place where:
- we enable one another to feel welcome, safe and respected;
- class, gender, race, sexual orientation, physical ability, educational background or other difference between us is accepted as just that: a difference;
- we work together to make things more equal, recognising that this society gives some groups unfair advantages or power;
- no one is belittled, spoken down to, silenced, negatively pre-judged or otherwise oppressed on account of their differences;
- we accept that we may be challenged if others feel we are not living by this agreement;
- we tackle oppression when we experience or witness it;
- we make time to build stronger communities and networks, even when this feels difficult;
- no one is abused, psychologically or physically;
- and anyone who feels unsafe, oppressed or abused in any way, feels confident to challenge it and/or or to seek support knowing that they will be treated seriously, with care and compassion.
This is a policy that everyone who uses BASE agrees to live by. If you feel that something is missing or that someone has broken this policy, please contact basesocialcentre[at]
We have an Accountability Process & Conflict Resolution Process that we are happy to facilitate with your guidance.