Prisoner Letter Writing Solidarity

Tuesday 1st November, 7pm BASE

NOTE: this session will be in Library and Resources Room but see for future dates; all in cafe

Our monthly letter writing night takes place on Tuesday 1st this month (due to a clash with Halloween),
We’ll be back to the last Monday of the month for November (28th).

Monthly session where we write to prisoners, Come along and learn about anarchist, antifascist, and Kill the Bill Prisoners,.
Join campaigns, write some letters, make some art, sign some cards, or just offer moral support and some snacks. Solidarity in a chill way.

Donations for stamps and room hire appreciated, but not required.

contact bristol [at] afed [dot] org [dot] uk with any questions. 

Dead White Anarchists

17th October @ BASE, 7:30-10pm

DEAD WHITE ANARCHISTS (+spoken word open mic)

Paris, 1892. If you’re not rich, things look bleak. Political bombings
and police crackdowns tear the city apart. Out of this carnage steps
Emile Henry, a young anarchist preparing his war against the State. But when he hears strange mumblings from the future, madness beckons… Dead White Anarchists_ is a solo theatre show – a Molotov cocktail of radical history lesson, spoken word and sci-fi crime thriller. It’s a reflection on a bloody past and a chaotic present, but always holding hope for the future. Written and performed by Paul Case Directed by Emily Ingram

“A throwback to when political theatre meant the exploration of grand universal ideas… the piece doesn’t flinch. Four stars” – The Wee Review

PLUS spoken word open mic! Handful of slots available, five minutes each, sign up on the night.


BASE – Access all areas!

Hold on to something!…

We have made a new booking system as part of our ongoing work on the website. With the nights drawing in, and dark times looming, there has never been a better time to make a booking at your local social centre!
Please check our new Events List page for availability, then complete the Booking Form found here: You can click on “Book a room” or the icon showing lots of people enjoying a hearty meeting!
Note: some events aren’t publicly listed, but if your event meets the BASE criteria, and a room isn’t free, we will do all we can to find an alternative space.
Email. basesocialcentre [at]

Radical Bookfair 25.09.22

BASE infoshop will be at the Exchange this Sunday alongside other radical groups and troublemakers. We think it will provide some welcome relief from weeks of enforced “mourning” and are reliably informed there will be no outpourings of grief for the ruling class or their figureheads. Instead there will be plenty of radical books, pamphlets, music, talks a bar and top notch vegan food. Come meet folks involved in local organising and carry on fighting back, for a better world together. See you there! The queen is dead. Long live anarchy!

Base for Anarchy & Solidarity in Easton