Operation Fenix (Czech) – Infonight on Sun 7th February

The-Operation-Fenix-posterOperation Fenix is a murky & dirty tale of Police repression, fit-ups & coercion in the Czech republic. It targetted anarchists, animal liberationists & other radicals, leading to numerous arrests, leaving some comrades on remand in prison and numerous facing long trials.

There’ll be a Presentation on Operation Fenix, followed by questions & answers & discussion. Starts at 7.30pm.

Read here background info: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/english-info/
And recent news: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/category/english/

Join us for the Sunday Social Vegan dinner in the cafe first, from 6.15pm – on Sunday 7th February

Maintenance Workday – come and join in the fun

Another workday on Tuesday 26th January. Anytime from 9.30am

All welcome – you don’t have to be good at DIY.
Finish painting to hallway.
Fill cracks to new plasterboard wall. Fill other areas.
Fix timber surround to window opening and re-fix screen.
Sand filler to blue wall , paint with white to form base coat for new purple wall.
Complete clear of accessible toilet.
Wear old clothes!

Operation Fenix (Czech) – Infonight on 7th February

FenixOperation Fenix is a murky & dirty tale of Police repression, fit-ups & coercion in the Czech republic. It targetted anarchists, animal liberationists & other radicals, leading to numerous arrests, leaving some comrades on remand in prison and numerous facing long trials.

There’ll be a Presentation on Operation Fenix, followed by questions & answers & discussion. Starts at 7.30pm.

Read here background info in English and recent news in English.

Join us for the Sunday Social Vegan dinner in the cafe first, from 6.15pm – on Sunday 7th February

Rooms and Facilities Available at Kebele social centre

Keb_welcome_newOur Social Centre includes various rooms/spaces that are available to be used by individuals & groups/campaigns. Typical uses include meetings & workshops & talks; benefit cafes; film nights; gatherings; small parties (birthdays, handfastings); banner making; and so on. Facilities available at Kebele include the kitchen & cooking equipment, cafe/event space for upto 50 people seated/more if standing, individual rooms holding from 6 to 45 people, film projector & screen, internet access.

Whilst each request for room use is considered separately, there are some basic criteria to bear in mind, for example – your event should be not-for-profit (or at least a benefit!); it shouldn’t contravene any of Kebele’s Principles; it shouldn’t cause a nuisance to our neighbours.

We do not formally charge for the use of spaces & facilities, but we do ask for ‘suggested donations’ to cover wear & tear, utility bills, maintenance etc. Room Users have 2 options in covering costs – firstly ‘pay as you go’ room use for each single event; secondly taking on ‘User group’ status which means in return for space/facility use you provide a labour contribution of running at least one Sunday night cafe and carrying out one clean of Kebele every 3 months.

For full details of facilities available, the suggested donations for use, some basic rules, and our safer spaces agreement, please read/complete/print off the Room Users Agreement:
Kebele-room_user_agreement (open office format)
Kebele-room_user_agreement (pdf)

For any & all queries please speak to a Co-op member or email kebelesocialcentre[at]riseup.net

Letter from Em Sheppard – 26 December 2015

Please note it is important that this is not reposted after 30 December 2015 as this will be in breach of licencing conditions.

emLetter from Em: In October my probation officer said I could go back to Bristol. Now it transpires I have been a MAPPA (multi-Agency Protection) for my whole sentence, though no one thought to tell me (I always thought it was strange I wasn’t). The police met in November about me and to draw up my licence conditions, but (as is common practice) have only told me now. The licence is so restrictive that ironically I will have had more freedom in jail in some ways. I’m not sure what’s worse – to refuse to leave prison, or to accept their restrictions! It clearly shows what a farce the much quoted claims of “rehabilitation” and “maintaining family ties” are. I had a place to live and several jobs organised, but instead they make me sign-on and live in a bail hostel in Reading.
Licence conditions are one of many possible examples of how the prison society extends beyond these walls. As Ruth Wilson Gilmore said “Prison is not some building ‘over there’ but a set of relationships that undermine rather than stabilise everyday lives, everywhere”. Continue reading Letter from Em Sheppard – 26 December 2015

Kebele’s 20th birthday bash at The Plough – 18th December


OH MY GOSH!!! Kebele is 20!!!

Yes! Here it is, the 20th anniversary bash for Kebele social centre, the living anarchist experiment in Easton. It’s gonna be at The Plough pub in Easton (see Plough’s FB event), scene of many a benefit put on by and for campaigns & issues linked to and supported by Kebele.

Kebele20logoCome celebrate 20 years of anarchist organisation and resistance.
Proud of what we got? Hell yeah!!! So raise a glass and a fist for your local anarchist social centre! Dance like it’s 1995!
“If I can’t dance, it’s not my revolution!” It is on!

Friday 18th December, 8pm til late at the Plough, Easton. Don’t be late, cos it’s gonna be rammed! All proceed to the dancefloor, all proceeds to Kebele social centre. £5 donation. Keep Kebele kicking!

Here’s a little mood setting and a taste of what’s going on:

MC Amalgam:

Mr Speaka with DFrost:

Plus DJs playing all sorts from hip hop and ragga to soul and cheese, with a few drops of dub and roots via the jungle!
(PS: Sorry but Dub Revolution are NOT playing)

What’s Kebele all about? Read ‘OurStory’ here.

Solidarity cafe Thursday 3rd Dec


Solidarity dinner and talk.

Hosted by Bristol antifascists.

From Kavala to Kebele – we share the same fight!

Thursday 3rd December.

Dinner at 7pm.

Presentation and discussion from 7.30pm:

Comrades from Kavala, Greece will be speaking about the situation there to raise awareness and solidarity for their struggle against fascists and state repression. One of the comrades from Kavala is facing serious charges at an upcoming court case on December 9th and is in desperate need for solidarity and financial support. Anti-fascists in Kavala have been some of the most active in all of Greece, organising demonstrations and actions against neo-nazi groups over the past years.


On Sunday 26th January 2014, a few hours before a scheduled anti-fascist rally, neo-nazis from the "Patriotic Movement" smashed up a shop owned by one well know anti-fascist and attempted to set fire to it, endangering the lives of those inside the building. After the intervention of local residents, as well as people from the surrounding nightclubs, the worst was avoided. Our comrade, once notified of the attack on his store, went down there to see what had happened. A few moments later some plain-clothes police officers arrived, having been notified by the local residents. At that moment our comrade is informed that before the smashing and arson of his store, a clash had taken place between a group of antifascists and a group of members of the Patriotic Movement. The "Patriotic Movement" were guarding the public space of the Municipal Park to prevent any anti-fascists from attending. Though refusing to have anything to do with the police, our comrade for the purpose of insurance had to go to the police station. Whilst waiting for 3 hours he was informed that he was arrested for public disturbance. Apparently members of the Patriotic Movement in collusion with the police attempted to put the blame for a previous confrontation on him. Not only were the Patriotic Movement attempting to control the streets and public spaces, they had after the incident violently attack two youths in a park and then proceeded to work with the police in making this claim against our comrade. A few hours later the antifascist rally, organised by the Autonomous Collective of Kavala, Vironos 3 squat and individual antifascists, took place in Faliro Park. From the very first moment of the rally, the Park was surrounded by several riot squads (around 8 to 10) and many plain-clothes cops. As soon as the antifascists (150 to 170 people from Kavala and other towns) blocked the road in front of the park, police vans shut off the road, in order to prevent the antifascists to approach the Municipal Park, where at the same time the fascist gathering was being held. Not only neo-nazi Golden Dawn members took part in the fascist gathering, but also other neo-nazi groups, such as the National Socialist Army of Macedonia and other known and unknown fascists from Northern Greece.

After the events of that weekend, two comrades were held in custody for several days and face charges of "disturbance of public order with facial features covered". The trial is set for December 9th 2015. 

We hope that this tour can further make links between anti-fascists in the UK Anti Fascist Network and anti-fascists across Greece. Please pass this on to your friends, comrades and networks. All proceeds from dinner and donations will go directly to the legal defence fund for the upcoming trial. Let's show our comrades they are not alone and we share the same struggle!

Base for Anarchy & Solidarity in Easton