Lift to Reclaim The Power camp this weekend

End Coal Now looks set to be UK’s biggest ever mass action targeting an opencast mine, just an hour’s drive from Bristol. There’ll be a mini bus leaving from outside Kebele on Robertson rd in Bristol this Sunday 1st May. Departure times at 10am and again at 3.30pm. Email to book a place.

There’ll be a camp squatted in South Wales to give people a space to prepare.

Saturday: set up and a performance about Columbian resistance: Buried Sunshine.

Sunday: wildlife and local history walk, community banner making, Plenary with speakers from Bangladesh and frontline campaigns and tunes from KELD and Sieze the Day.

Monday: workshops on everything from action training to updates on biofuels, fuel poverty, aviation expansion to bike maintenance and hands on renewables. Followed by a Plenary with workers from Port Talbot Steel a ceilidh and a screening of the Miners Strike documentary: Still the Enemy within.

Tuesday: we mass tresspass on the coal mine and shut it down. Subsequent celebrations kicked off by Bolshy.

Wednesday: Celebration and tat do Mini bus leaving Bristol on Sunday 1st May at 10am and again at 3.30pm, picking up outside Kebele on Robertson rd in Easton. Email to book a place.

For more information about the camp see: and

On Thursday 5th May you’re invited to a Rat Attack benefit event…

5th May Rat Attack benefit

**Three Course Vegan Meal & Film Screening of ‘Folkbildningsterror’**

dinner from 6.30pm, film at 8pm

Kebele, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, Bristol

Donations (pay what you can afford)

Help us raise money by eating three courses of appetising vegan food and watching a queer DIY musical!


Sweetcorn and coconut soup

Tacos, wedges and salad

Apple and mixed berry pie with coconut cream

All the money we raise will be for the first ‘Rat Attack’, a gathering around animal liberation and radical ecology, which will be held in Marseilles this summer, July 25th–31st. There will be info about the gathering and how to get involved on the night.

After dinner there will be a film screening of… ‘FOLKBILDNINGSTERROR’, possibly the only propaganda musical film the queer-autonomous left has ever produced!

Folkbildningsterror (roughly: popular education terror) tells the story of a group of people and a hare who are angry with neo-liberal developments in Sweden. It is a punk-spectacle of songs, choreography and flash mobs dealing with important political issues of our time, such as immigration, social exclusion, animal liberation and inequitable health systems, all delivered with a touch of self-irony.

The film is in Swedish with English subtitles. Content Warning: the film contains violence and sex scenes (BDSM, Kink, Fetish), also a lot of nudity!

Kebele is wheelchair accessible. If you have mobility issues and need help getting to/ from the event, or have any other accessibility issues, please contact us and we will do our best to help.

No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

Desert Hearts screening

3pm:  Pre-film cafe with cake and hot drinks

4pm: Screening of Desert Hearts

5.45pm:  Post-film chat

6:30pm: Kebele dinner

Desert Hearts is a 1985 American romantic drama film directed by Donna Deitch. The screenplay written by Natalie Cooper is an adaptation of the 1964 lesbian-themed novel Desert of the Heart by Jane Rule. The film stars Helen Shaver and Patricia Charbonneau with a supporting performance by Audra Lindley.

“One of the best and most significant mainstream fiction films about lesbians.” – The Sydney Morning Herald

“A passionate, beautifully controlled drama about making choices and exercising the heart: in a word, about living.” -The Washington Post


International solidarity – a discussion


International Solidarity-page001Kebele Dangerous Thoughts collective invites you to a discussion, for collective learning and liberation!

Solidarity across borders has a long and proud history, from working class labour struggles, feminist campaigns and war resistance to fights against apartheid, fascism and corporate power. Anarchists have always recognised the importance of standing together with comrades in far off lands. We understand that all our struggles are linked and we share the same enemies. But we have also learned that international solidarity is not without it’s problems and questions that need asking. Here are just a few:

– What can the uk anarchist movement learn from, and what can it really offer, struggles in other places?

– Is it easier to support revolutionary movements in far off places than struggling for revolution here?

– Can we really understand enough of the complexities of the struggles we hope to support?

Here are some links to relevant reading:

Kebele General Meeting on 7th March

The Kebele General Meeting takes place every 2-3 months at the social centre. If you come to/use Kebele you are welcome at this meeting!

Monday 7th March, 6.30pm prompt start, at Kebele social centre. Meetings last upto 2 hours.

kebelecommcoopKebele General Meetings are an opportunity for the wider Kebele community and users of the building/facilities to come together to hold the Co-op to account, find out more about Kebele, discuss any urgent and/or relevant issues, and volunteer to help with ongoing matters (cleaning, maintenance, cafes, outreach etc) and at any upcoming events. So the Agenda may include:

– recent decisions by the Community Co-op, any new proposals, and get an update on Kebele’s finances.
– any urgent matters relating to Kebele, be they practical (the loo is leaking!) or political.
– review any recent events at Kebele, and discuss any forthcoming events that need wider involvement/support to ensure they happen.
– there is sometimes a political discussion for a part of the meeting.

The actual Agenda is posted on the wall in the Kebele cafe – where you can add items, and emailed out to our volunteers list. There is usually cake and/or snacks, and hot drinks, available.

General meetings are facilitated (not chaired) by a volunteer, and any decisions are made via consensus decision-making practices (see here for info).

Find out more about Kebele – read OurStory and other pages on this website.

Note that the Kebele social centre is formally owned & managed by Kebele Community Co-op.  So get involved….new volunteers wishing to become Co-Op members are always welcome!!!


From Slave Trade to Arms Trade

Bristol Against the Arms Trade (BAAT) presents: From the Slave Trade to the Arms Industry
BAATBristolians played an active part in abolishing the slave trade, despite the economic benefits it had for the city. Now Bristol’s wealth is tied to military aerospace and arms industries which are profiting from the current endless wars. Time to call for conversion?

On Sunday 28 February, doors open at 1.30pm, at Kebele social centre:
2.00pm – Open Planning Meeting + speaker from CAAT
4.00pm – Films “Not in our Name” and others
6.30pm onwards – The Legendary Kebele Sunday Social and vegan cafe.
See FB event
All welcome!

Anarchist Bookfair FUNdraising Social on 27 February

LaDIYfest Bristol (FB page) in association with Bristol Anarchist Bookfair 2016 present an evening of good food, friends, music and poetry! Starts 6pm (and see FB event)     
GOREM & AVONA – Members of Viva Zapata! bringing rich sounds of folk, punk into stories of the wild, love and resistance.
LEILIAH JANE KING – Spoken word to fill your senses!
BEX – Insane spanish guitar with grunge twist.

PLUS: Kebele vegan meal, three courses including cake provided by the Bookfair collective and LaDIYfest. Spirits and Mixers available for a suggested donation of £2.50 each!

8thYerTiz£5 suggested donation – all proceeds go to the costs of putting on the Bookfair and AfterParty – which is on 30th April 2016 at Trinity Centre!

Base for Anarchy & Solidarity in Easton