Resist Surveillance infonight 09.11

2018. What a year it’s been in the world of surveillance, anti-surveillance and cop watching!

We’re pleased to welcome the mighty Privacy International back to the awesome BASE for an update on what’s new when it comes to “Policing in the age of data exploitation.”

Privacy International will also be joined by Liberty’s Hannah Couchman to discuss a joint campaign focusing on enhancing transparency and local accountability of police surveillance technology!

We’re also as equally pleased to welcome back DPG Law and the Open Rights group and we’ll also be joined by Bristol Defendant solidarity and Bristol Anarchist Black Cross.

So what’s on the agenda?

Privacy International – Policing in the age of data exploitation (November update)

Privacy International and Liberty – Accountability of surveillance technology

DPG Law -Surveillance and our rights how we fight back (November update)

The Open Rights Group – Online surveillance and us, why digital freedom matters

Resist Surveillance- Community control of surveillance and us / Resisting state repression

Bristol Defendant Solidarity – Who are BDS?

Bristol Anarchist Black Cross – Building a “user friendly” security culture.

Join us for another great evening covering all things anti surveillance and beyond! 6 til 9pm.

We’re new around these parts and donations are not only welcome but shared with BASE!

Food and refreshments on the day

We’d prefer no photography to respect people’s privacy!

Frack Free Solidarity Shindig

6:30pm, Tuesday 16th October at Base, Robertson Road, Easton.

3 nights and days atop
3 lorries bound for a frack site.
3 friends, anti-frackers, behind bars.

Bristol Rising Tide invite you to a night of solidarity at Base to write letters to our friends in prison and to learn more about how the state has used its prisons to try to stop us fighting fracking.

There’ll be dinner from the Base community cafe, music from 2/3 of Boom Boom Racoon and general scheming. We’re bringing down the frackers, now let’s bring down the prison walls!

For more information on how you can support the imprisoned anti-frackers in the meantime, visit

Free Richard, Roscoe and Rich and free all prisoners!

No fracking, no drilling, no pipelines, no smokestacks – leave fossil fuels in the ground!

Resist surveillance!

Resist Surveillance presents the 1st of a series of Surveillance Self Defence workshops. September 11th, 6.30-8pm.

In this workshop we’ll be focusing on locking down your social. Using social media safely and comfortably is an ongoing challenge for many people. We’ll go over some basic concepts and things to watch out for on social media websites and settings.


SOCMINT and OSINT – what they are and why this matters.

Locking down your social media.

Browser extensions to make you safer – HTTPS everywhere and Privacy Badger.

We’re back at the awesome BASE! Donations are of course optional but will be given back to the venue.

Slides and all materials will be available at the end! Please bring something to write stuff down on!
We’d prefer no photography to respect people’s privacy.

No Cafe on 22nd July – can you help on 29th?

The weekly Sunday cafe is shut on Sunday 22nd July due to lack of volunteers. We could still do with a few cooks on Sunday 29th. Can you help? Sign up on the rota at BASE, or email (yes, we need to update that email address!)

The Sunday cafe is closed in August and will be open again in September.

Collective Care

Thursday August 9th 6-9pm

Are you involved in trying to make the world a better place? This work can often be challenging. We need to create cultures in our groups where we can care and support each other – not just in crisis but as the foundation. In this workshop, we explore collective care and how to create it, whilst sharing some food and some time together.

Please email us on to let us know you are coming. We invite you to bring some vegan food to share if you can.

Sunday Dinner – 1st July

Come and join us for the regular vegan Sunday night dinner. The menu on 1st July will be pasta and ‘meat’ balls. There will be a gluten-free alternative. Browse the anarchist info shop and borrow a book or DVD from the library upstairs. Hope to see you there!
We also need cooks every Sunday in July, so do email if you can help with this.
Also, the plan is to close the cafe in August and to restart again in September!


Base for Anarchy & Solidarity in Easton