Get information about DIY HRT, harm reduction while self-medicating and free injection supplies at our bi-monthly drop-ins.  
We are open from 6-8pm every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month.
Contact us: hello@dandeliondiy.com
Website: dandeliondiy.com
Instagram: @dandliondiy

🌼🌼 Dandelion takes place on the ground floor of BASE. The ground floor is on a split level divided by two steps, with two separate step-free
🌼🌼 The accessible toilet is on the ground floor with step-free access
through the back entrance of the building. It has grab bars on both sides and plenty of room to manouevre a wheelchair, but no alarm cord.
🌼🌼 Dandelion can sometimes be noisy and busy. Arrive earlier if you would like to avoid this. We have fidget toys and we will always offer you a private chat in a quieter room upstairs (up one flight of steps).
🌼🌼 Please contact us if you have any accessibility needs and we will try our best to arrange a solution. 🌼🌼


On Sunday 17th March a gourmet menu was served up to around 30 people at BASE social centre in Bristol for the regular sunday evening vegan meal: foraged wild garlic pesto, homemade hummus and coleslaw, thai curry soup, baked potatoes, banana cheesecake with raspberry coulis and raw chocolate. This was followed by a talk about Operation Adream and the case of imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone. An engaged and animated discussion followed about the implications of the broadening of the extremism definition for anarchists in UK and abroad; the failed attempt by Operation Adream to apply terrorist legislation to a suspected administrator of anarchist website and paper publication 325.nostate.net; how to deal with a Schedule 7 border stop; the extra-legal police state powers of the probation service and the various political policing quangos such as the National Security Division; the importance of recognising that we are in the middle of a 4th and 5th Industrial Revolution similar in scale and brutality to the First Industrial Revolution and acting accordingly; and finally a passionate reminder of our strength and power as anarchists with an inspiring and powerful lineage going back hundreds of years. The State attacked 325 (and other anarchists and rioters in UK and around the world) precisely because this is one of those historical moments where our anarchist ideas and praxis can have enormous impact due to the social collapse.

They took down 325 because it is one of the few internationalist
anarchist projects focusing it’s critique on the technological civilisation, the technological singularity and 4IR and 5IR; and because counter-information is a thorn in the side of the system, preventing it from controlling the narrative. The organising collective of the evening would like to thank everyone for such a thoughtful and stimulating discussion, for signing cards to Toby and to BASE for providing the space and support. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. You can keep up to date with news of Toby on brightonabc.org.uk and you can write to him at: Toby Shone A7645EP, HMP Garth, Ulnes Walton Lane, Leyland, PR26 8NE. Please keep writing even if you don’t get a reply.

The prison are under orders to try to isolate Toby from “perceived support” by telling him that he has no mail. Please drop us an email at forestcase@riseup.net letting us know you have written so even if he doesn’t get it, he knows people are still writing.

Our passion for freedom is stronger than their prisons!
Some anarchists


Toby Shone, anarchist prisoner.
An infonight at BASE, 17.03.24.

6.30pm Vegan dinner (pay what you can).
7.30pm Talk and Q&A followed by solidarity banner and card writing.

Come and join us for the Sunday cafe and a short talk and Q&A session on Toby’s situation and the implications for all who resist.

Toby has been targeted and punished by the UK state for being an anarchist and showing defiance in the face of heavy state attacks and repression. Last year he was sent to a high security prison 170 miles from his home after attending a discussion event at BASE. The authorities say this was a breach of his licence conditions. They are intent on isolating him from his community and breaking his fighting spirit. They will not succeed. An attack on one is an attack on us all. For revolutionary solidarity until all are free.

There will be cards to write messages of solidarity to send to Toby. We will also do a solidarity banner photo outside BASE so please bring what you need (eg mask if wish to remain anonymous) if you would like to be part of that.

Free Toby Shone!!!

Revolution & Tea – FROM SUN 14TH APRIL

2.30pm the second Sunday of every month at BASE Anarchist Social Centre.

Join us to chat anarchism, drink tea, and eat cake.

We’ll discuss theory & practice, and cook up some brand new schemes.
New people especially welcome! £Free but donations for refreshments and the space welcomed’

BASE Open Day On 10th March From 1pm – All Welcome!

💥🥳 BASE open day on March 10th, 1-6 pm 🥳💥
Everyone very much welcome to our BASE open day!

Find out about BASE’s history and the BASE collectives (Bikes, Infoshop, Café, Library …); the many groups that have used BASE over the years since 1995; and the many campaigns and actions that originated from discussions and meet-ups here!

The other 2 workshops during the day are:
Intro to Anarchy – anarchism is at the core of BASE’s ideas and practice; and it’s really not that complicated a political idea…you may already be an anarchist without appreciating it.
Intro to Consensus Decision-Making – this is our chosen way of making decisions, so come find out why and how!

During the day there’ll be several short tours of the building; some stalls from groups who use the building; and some awesomely lush vegan cakes and hot drinks. Our library and Infoshop will be open.

After, from 6pm, there’ll be our weekly Sunday vegan social meal.
So come along and say hi, have a chat and find out more at this relaxed and friendly open day.


Solidarity with Toby Shone!
Against Counter-Terror Southwest Policing of BASE Social Centre

As Toby Shone’s parole pre-hearing meeting approaches on March 15th, BASE would like to restate its solidarity with Toby and all anarchist prisoners.

Anarchist comrade Toby Shone was recalled to prison on 19th September 2023 after attending a letter-writing night and dinner held by Bristol Anti-Repression Campaign (BARC) on 30th August. This meeting was being watched by 2 Counter Terror Officers. Toby’s licence conditions prevented him from contributing to or organising events at places like BASE. They also included a gagging order to prevent him speaking out against his case and his licence conditions. His attendance at the BARC Open House letter-writing night at BASE was used by National Security Division (NSD) and Southwest Counter Terror Police (SWCTP) to justify his renewed incarceration in a long-term high security prison 170 miles away from his home.

It has come to our attention through legal papers recently served to Toby that BASE is subject to ongoing surveillance and monitoring by SWCTP. The legal documents contain a dossier of BASE campaigning materials and an events list, compiled by a Counter-Terror Police (CTP) digital analyst. There is a suggestion that there is some shadowy criminal anarchist group behind BASE so that the cops can expand their fantasy of ‘anarchist terror’ where a social centre is somewhere that people become groomed and radicalised and where glorification and funding of terrorism are rampant (flyers, direct action reports and benefit gigs and fundraisers). Back in the real world, BASE is a much loved and long standing autonomous social centre that hosts community dinners, bike workshops, talks on a diverse range of topics from social justice and prisoner solidarity to environmental and cultural topics. BASE has a library, a bookshop and is a base for grassroots campaigning in the local area.

We stand with Toby Shone against the criminalisation of alternative voices and alternative spaces. We stand against the criminalisaton of solidarity. No one should be recalled to the torture chambers of the UK prison estate for attending a community space, for gathering with friends, for writing letters, for living collectively rather than in isolation or for living an alternative lifestyle inspired by ideas and projects that seek to promote kinder, more positive and more sustainable ways of living and being in this world than the present system allows. As Britain buries more and more of us in filthy, inhumane and overcrowded dungeons at His Majesty’s Pleasure, we at BASE stand proudly and in solidarity with Toby Shone as well as all the KTB prisoners and other anarchist prisoners in the UK and around the world.

The State is the Terrorist!

Tu BiShvat for Palestine – SAT 3RD FEB 4-7PM

Na’amod Bristol invites you to join us to gather around Palestine
solidarity. We will reflect on all the ways we’ve engaged with the
Palestinian cause over the past months and years, and nourish us all for
our next steps. We acknowledge that each person will have had a
different journey to their current understanding, perspectives and the
modes of solidarity they participate in.

Na’amod is a national movement of British Jews against the occupation.
This event falls shortly after the Jewish festival of Tu BiShvat, known
as ‘the New Year for the Trees’. Through the traditions of the festival
we will hold discussions to reflect on Palestine solidarity, build
alliances between the different groups working on these issues, and give
us energy and ideas for moving forward together in these difficult
times. We reclaim this festival from the anti-Palestinian acts of the
JNF and others*, and instead celebrate the festival as a container for
solidarity and hope.

This event is aimed at anyone who is involved in, or interested in
getting involved in Palestine solidarity work in and around Bristol.

Please get a ticket so we can manage capacity


Base for Anarchy & Solidarity in Easton