Every 2 weeks, starting this week (Thu 11th) with The Big Flame by KenLoach.. see below.

Also, we bring you a one-off *Sunday* screening, with a re-run of ‘United In Anger’ On Sunday 21st April. If you missed this emotionally intense documentary last time,we strongly recommend checking it out.

Here’s the full listing:
Thu 11th April – The Big Flame

The story of a wildcat strike which becomes an occupation of Liverpool docks by 10’000 workers. Shot in documentary style and set in a fictional ‘near future’, the film’s 1969 broadcast provoked outrage from Mary Whitehouse and the Daily Mail.
Sun 21st April – United In Anger

An inspiring and powerful film following AIDS campaign group ACT UP as it battles corporate greed and government indifference, making links with other struggles.

One-off Sunday screening; includes meal (suggested donation £3) at 6:30pm.
Thu 25th April – Queen of the Desert

A trans youth worker works with a group of curious and cheeky young indigenous people in a community in Central Australia, training them in the art of hairdressing.
Thu 9th May – Mayhem

A virus spreads through an skyscraper complex, causing office workers to act out their worst impulses.
BASE for Anarchy and Solidarity in Easton, 14 Robertson Rd, BS5 6JY

Doors 7:15pm, films start 7:30pm
Donations welcome to help fix our roof, but no-one turned away for lack of funds.

BASE Sunday Vegan Dinner and Talk on Capitalism & Environment

24th February from 6.30pm .

BASE’s regular Sunday vegan anarchist cafe is open again this Sunday with a delicious meal!

Menu this week: Armenian soup, veg lasagna, Chocolate ginger cake cake. Also selling Ginger beer to raise money for IAF (international of anarchist federations)

After the main course, our cooks from the Anarchist Federation will be giving a talk based on their pamphlet Capitalism is Killing the Earth.

We are entering uncharted territory as capitalism exerts ever-increasing pressure on the earth’s ecosystems. Left unchecked, the current fossil fuel economy will continue to wreck the climate and the burden of the resulting problems will fall disproportionately on the working class and those living in less economically developed countries.

Can capitalism reform its way into environmental sustainability? Can aware consumers buy their way out of global warming? Will the governments of the world save us from Climate Change? Learn our surprising answers (spoiler warning: no) and discuss the reasons why, and what we can do instead!

Also, on the same evening there will be a chance as usual to
browse the anarchist info shop and radical library.

Film night 31.01: “Born in Flames”

In New York City, in this future time, a group of women decide to organize and mobilize, to take the revolution farther than any man – and many women – ever imagined in their lifetimes.

The time is the near future. The place in New York City, a decade after a peaceful revolution has ensured that all men are equal. That’s all MEN, leaving the women to voice their discontent and forge their own liberation. When Adelaide Norris (Jean Satterfield), the black radical founder of the Woman’s Army, is mysteriously killed, a diverse coalition of women – across all lines of race, class, and sexual preference – emerges to blow the System apart.

Film starts at 7.30pm.

Film night 17.01: “Blindspotting”

Set in Oakland, California, a story of two friends who work as movers and are forced to watch their old neighborhood become a trendy spot in the rapidly gentrifying Bay Area. Collin (Daveed Diggs) must make it through his final three days of probation for a chance at a new beginning. He and his troublemaking childhood best friend, Miles (Rafael Casal), work as movers, and when Collin witnesses a police shooting, the two men’s friendship is tested as they grapple with identity and their changed realities.

A “timely and wildly entertaining story about friendship and the intersection of race and class set against the backdrop of Oakland. Bursting with energy, style, and humor, and infused with the spirit of rap, hip hop, and spoken word.”

Film starts at 7.30pm. Bring popcorn and friends!

This is the first in a new fortnightly film night at BASE.

Stop deportations infonight 29.11

How to Help Stop a Deportation:

This workshop will be focused on sharing ideas and strategies on *last minute* interventions to support people who are resisting their deportation.

Resistance can take many forms. During this workshop we will look at last minute legal options to stop a Deportation Order and – if that fails – practical ways to support people who want to resist, including looking at strategies around airline campaigns and contacting airline companies, passengers and pilots during an attempted deportation [1].

It really *can* work to resist even at the last stage, and it is
important that people resisting from the inside are supported from the outside. There are many examples of people successfully resisting their deportations, even being taken off flights at the very last minute – because of emergency legal injunctions/reviews, or because of successful airport campaigns resulted in pilots refusing to fly with a person onboard [2].

If you, or someone you know, is or could be at risk of deportation
please come along to Base, 14 Robertson Rd, Bristol BS5 6JY @ 7pm to discuss in a friendly and supportive environment what we can do to help stop deportations.

*About deportations*:

Over 12,000 people are deported from the UK against their will every year – taken from their life in the UK to another country, by force. That’s one person every 49 minutes.

Around one person in seven is removed on a charter flight – aeroplanes which can carry over 60 deportees and at least twice that number of private security guards, contracted by the Home Office specifically for deportations. Other people, around six out of seven, are removed on commercial flights – put on the back of standard scheduled flights whilst retrained; handcuffed and surrounded by private security guards; from when they are taken from a detention centre, during the flight, until they are handed over to the government they are being removed to.

Deportations are racist – targeting people because of their identity;
and violent – forcing people against their will; they tear lives apart –
breaking up families, friendships, communities.

Deportations are also operated for-profit – private security companies like G4S, Mitie, Serco and Tascor are contracted by the government in the detention and deportation business. For example Mitie, a private security company, was awarded a £525 million government contract in May 2018 to carry out ‘escorting’ – providing security guards for both standard scheduled flights and mass deportation charter flights as well as prisoner transport between detention centres and running the Home Office’s numerous short term “holding facilities”[3]. Also airline companies profit from deportations, especially Titan Airways who are
contracted to carry out mass charter flights, as well as other
commercial airlines that get paid to carry people on their flight.

People facing deportation often resist and face extremely violent
consequences. Private security guards are trained to use force against people to ensure their removal – this includes using pressure-point techniques, ‘restraint equipment’ such as handcuffs, waist-restraint belts [4], chains, and materials tying together peoples hands & feet in order to be able to carry them on the flight. This force has caused many people serious harm and has killed people such as Jackie Nanyonjo, who was assaulted by Tascor guards during her deportation in 2013 and later
died in Uganda from her injuries. And Jimmy Mubenga, father of five, who died from asphyxiation at the hands of G4S guard on a British Airwaysflight during his deportation in 2010 [5].

For some people there is no option but to resist – because they risk more violence, imprisonment or death if deported to the country they fled. Or the deportation with rip them apart from the family, friends and life they have in the UK. As a last resort many people self-harm or attempt suicide before deportation [5].

There is nothing ok about the racist immigration system and its violence against certain identities.

End Detention, Stop All Deportations!


[1] It is always important to pursue all legal avenues *before* it gets to the removal stage, do not wait until the last minute. Resisting removal is stressful and risks violence against the person being removed, and if it is not successful will result in deportation and could result in serious harm or fatality.

[2] Due to many complaints and campaigns about forcible deportations some airlines, such as Lufthansa and KLM, have made public statements that they are not willing to transport people against their will any more. Other airlines, such as Kenya Airways, Air China and Air France, have taken people off flights because the pilot has taken the view that they will not carry someone who does not want to travel. All pilots have the legal right to choose not to fly any person they consider to be a safety concern for the flight, whether for medical or security reasons.





Legal info for demos 25.11

Want to learn to legal observe at demos and / or skill up on relevant legal knowledge for when you are out protesting? Sign up to a training with Activist Court Aid Brigade (ACAB) and Bristol Defendant Solidarity (BDS). Email to get your place. Please pass on to people you trust and bring something vegan to share for lunch. Sunday November 25th. 11am-4pm.

Base for Anarchy & Solidarity in Easton