Overcoming our internal neoliberal monster Workshop

Making Change Collective in collaboration with Plan C.

Base, 14 Robertson Road, Easton BS5 6JZ

Sunday 29th September, 4 – 6pm

Across the world, neoliberalism has been the dominant way of organizing economically, socially and politically for the past three decades. Even if we are unfamiliar with the word, it shapes all our lives and even our ways of thinking. Of course, we may be highly critical of a growth-based economy in which capital and corporations are freer than ever to do as they will. At the same time, we can’t help but internalize this overpowering ideology, shaping the way that we feel we can or can’t take action. We receive the message from neoliberalism that, ‘you can achieve anything if you try hard enough,’ and then internalize feelings of inadequacy when we find we hit invisible barriers. We know that things are getting worse, but we feel there’s nothing we can do to really change anything, because we’ve come to understand that ‘there is no alternative’.

This workshop seeks to deconstruct the beliefs that are holding us back and to begin to build a new framework together for going forth in the world. It will include collective reflection of how the workshop could be best used in the future.

fb event at https://www.facebook.com/events/2417998854951309/

Black Rose Anarchist Federation talk

A member of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation will be giving a talk on the state of the states, the recent growth of Anarchism in the US, and where things might be headed next.

Members of Bristol Anarchist Federation will be cooking up vegan burgers, to fuel your start to the weekend!

The event takes place at BASE (fka Kebele), which can be reached by a bus to the Robertson Road stop on Stapleton Road (numbers 24, 48, 48a, 49), and is a few minutes walk from Stapleton Road Train Station.

You are welcome to BYO drinks, but please respect each other and the space by not getting wasted !

The Black Rose Anarchist Federation. Black Rose is a nationwide anarchist organization with locals in over a dozen cities across the U.S. You can read more about the federation online at blackrosefed.org

Money raised by donations and burgers will go to cover costs, anything left over we will put towards the BASEroof fund: www.gofundme.com/raise-base039s-roof “

From the book of faces – please repost anywhere appropriate and let your mates know. As you may have guessed this has been put together very last minute… basically by me convincing a friend in London to convince a travelling american to make a 24hr detour to visit Bristol!


Make Rojava green again

Infonight – May 9th, 6.30pm.

A speaker from the Internationalist Commune of the Autonomous
Administration of North and East Syria, also known as Rojava, will be joining us in the UK to present the campaign “Make Rojava Green Again”. We will learn about the ecological situation in the region, what we can do in practical solidarity, and the ecological pillar of the revolution. We will also have a video link with one of the Kurdish comrades in London, who will be on day 55 of their hunger strike to protest prison torture and the isolation of Ocalan.

3 years of city Plaza – fundraiser and meal: FRIDAY 26TH aPRIL

6.30-9.30pm, Friday 26th April at BASE.

Monday 22nd April marks the third anniversary of the occupation of City Plaza, a formerly abandoned hotel in central Athens. This seven-storey building has since served as home to over 2,500 refugees from all over the Middle East and Africa, joined by countless activist volunteers that “live together and struggle together”, as Plaza’s motto proudly declares.

In 2016, Greece experienced an staggering influx of people fleeing conflict and persecution in their home countries, after the EU’s authoritarian border regime left them stranded in transit, often in horrific coastline camps or on the streets of the capital city. What began as an emergency housing solution has evolved into something so much more – a safe alternative to corrupt state provision; a testament to the possibilities of grassroots self-organisation; an international symbol of hope and solidarity.
See more at https://en-gb.facebook.com/sol2refugeesen/

Like any squat, City Plaza’s are numbered, and it’s now entering a new era of uncertainty as the national elections draw closer and the owner intensifies her hateful campaign. Donations have dwindled and financially, Plaza may not be able to sustain itself much longer. So please join us at BASE (formerly Kebele Social Centre) on Friday 26th to celebrate Plaza’s birthday and raise some much-needed funds.

What to expect…

– FOOD a vegan Persian-Greek mashup
– Films, photographs, art and music from 3 years of the project
– Open Q&A/knowledge sharing about Plaza, similar spaces and the current situation of refugees in Greece

Suggested donation just £5, enough to feed a resident for one week!

Base for Anarchy & Solidarity in Easton