6:30-8:30pm Wednesday 1st may
What does it look like? How can you get there?
This 101 session will introduce some frameworks to help us think through how we can embrace conflict as a force that can generate positive change. Why can conflict be so scary, and how can we reduce the fear around it?
All welcome, with a particular welcome to groups who want to improve the way they relate to conflict. We will organise a follow up session if folks are keen!
Conflict Club is a peer organised group for exploring and learning skills to help navigate and support conflict. We’ve been meeting up since autumn 2022, we have had a break during the start of this year but are keen to make more of our ideas happen including a regular space! For now, join https://chat.whatsapp.com/KgdzYhxs917AXxLI6Iw1Xo for announce updates