Talk and discussion
7th November 2019
Vegan meal 6.30pm
talk 7.30pm
DAF are an anarchist organisation that has been organising within
Turkey, Syria and the surrounding areas for the last 10 years. During this time they have faced a lot of repression from the state and from ISIS. Despite this, they have created their own economy to be able to sustain themselves and their projects, done many inspiring actions, have different groups with several magazines and a monthly newspaper, weekly talks, and are the first anarchists to raise a flag at Newros (Kurdish new year) celebrations. A truly inspiring group that is well-organised
and work intersectionally, with solidarity and mutual aid at its core.
A member of the Anarchist Federation, who has recently visited DAF, will give a presentation followed by discussion on what we can learn from DAF, and apply this to anarchism in the areas we organise.