Hi, we’re Base Bikes! We’re a community bike workshop at Base Social Centre, Easton. We’ve been running since 1997.
Join us on Tuesday evenings, 5.30-8.30pm.
(note; no new jobs started after 8pm). We use the Events Room and Cafe
– Use our space and tools to fix your bike
– Volunteers can offer advice and share skills
– Reasonably priced new & used parts for sale.
No appointment required, first come first served.
We are a ‘fix-it-together’ workshop, run by volunteers – not a bike
shop! Any help from volunteers is free / donate if you can.
Cash only for purchases & donations.
We love donations; but please note that we don’t collect scrap.
Please wear a face mask if possible, and don’t come if you have any
covid symptoms.
Volunteers welcome! No experience needed
Base, 14 Robertson Rd, BS5 6JY
email: basebikes@riseup.net
FB: @basebikeseaston