Conflict Club

Thursday 2nd of February, 6:30 – 8:30, BASE Events Room.

A peer organised meet-up to explore practical conflict navigation and support skills using discussion, role-play, theatre of the oppressed and other tools. ⚙️🤔👌

Are you

  •  involved in supporting and navigating conflicts in your community? 
  • interested in transformative approaches to conflict?
  • curious about how we can use embodied learning to connect the theory to our everyday lived experience?
  • keen to develop your skills and awareness in this area?

Come along! This is an experimental space, and we will develop group agreements around confidentiality, care for each other, and care for our communities. This is not a formal training space which will ‘qualify’ you for mediation or other conflict support work. It is also not a space where you will be able to receive advice for specific conflict situations.  We hope it will be a regular reflective, supportive space where people with a range of backgrounds and approaches can learn from each other and develop ideas and skills in community.

We first met in October 2022, and here’s some notes from that session and resources that might help you figure out what we’re about…